Funeraria Hansen
Christof Lelong and Gert Hansen have 20 years of experience as funeral directors. They are known in the Flemish Brabant region for their expertise and authentic approach. Since day one, Hansen has invested in innovation to stay ahead of the competition. Hansen wanted a complete, reliable audio-visual solution that could replace a laptop running PowerPoint and which could be operated by a single master of ceremonies.
Thanks to the user-friendliness of the LIVIAU control platform, one person can comfortably manage the service. Technical personnel are no longer needed during the ceremony.
“LIVIAU offers us one system, where we used to need many devices. We can play music, prepare videos and even control the lighting in an instant,” comments Gert Hansen. “The transition and installation were a bit of a concern at first, but this also went very smoothly. Only a week after we decided to make the switch, we were already running our first service with the LIVIAU system.”
Hansen Funeral Center has recently opened a new branch in Zelem, where LIVIAU has also been installed.